In Mass Effect 3, EDI was able to take the body of an infiltration unit named "Dr. After she helps Joker save the Normandy from the Collectors, however, the two become a great deal closer, with Joker now referring to EDI as 'her' and 'she' instead of 'it'. Their relationship goes nowhere fast for a good portion of the game and whenever Shepard asks Joker how things are in the cockpit, his reply nearly always has to do with his unreasonable disdain for EDI. Jeff "Joker" Moreau, the Normandy's helmsman, is initially distrusting of and resentful towards EDI, calling her 'ship cancer' and believing the previous Normandy did just fine 'without an AI telling the airlock is ajar'. She then introduces herself as the ship's AI as well as her purpose. EDI makes her first appearance when Commander Shepard is first brought aboard saying she agrees with Miranda Lawson's recommendation to recruit Mordin Solus first.